PC #21: Tombstone Arizona

US – 3347757

Oh cool, there’s a description text at the back: “Tombstone, once Arizona’s economic leader, was chosen as the county seat for Cochise County in 1881. Seen here in the original courthouse including the county offices, recorder, clerk, assessor, treasurer, attorney, Board of Supervisors and jail. It stands today, restored to look as it did when first built.” Pretty nice building, if I may say.

The sender, Cindy, wrote that her biggest accomplishment was to be able to move to her retirement state (AZ) 12 years early, as she loves the desert and the old west. Lucky for her, she has decided where to settle for good. When will I ever make that decision?


Lovely stamps used: the Tiffany lamp, the American clock, and USA forever stamps. Thanks, Cindy!


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